Podcast Guest
We also talk on other podcasts; all three of us know the power of speaking with authenticity and how that can share our stories to a greater, diverse audience so that we can learn together.
Creative healing
Did you find that somewhere in this life, you lost your self-worth? If you did, then welcome to my story. It’s one we hear a lot in our community conversations; we share those sentiments and experiences ourselves as presenters.
A story to tell
As I look back, I have had two great passions in my life. One of those is my fascination with people’s stories and the other is running; both of which came together in a glorious fusion in a podcast episode from July 2022 with Rob Hutchings. Adventure triathlete, wild swimmer, yoga teacher and now author of ‘Downriver Nomad’.
Reflecting on 2022
It speaks volumes about a year when you have to record your review of the year episode twice doesn’t it! It wasn’t that the first recording was awful, but we just realised how tired we are, because there has been a lot going on in the community and outside for each of us.
Do childless men need a community?
It is entering a party we didn’t want to attend but finding it’s got some great bits but some awful moments too but knowing everyone will gather with you for a rousing chorus of ‘My Way’ whenever you wish.
Levy an equality before a childless tax
I meant every single word. And if it comes to pass that this hyperbole becomes fact, you can be assured I’m marching with you into battle, and I suspect a few parents will be too.
Mother's Day on our terms
It’s not avoidance, we all know it’s there. But if we go to the shops or out (remember going out?) we can prepare ourselves for exposure. But if you’ve had yet another phone call or WhatApp with your sibling and his two kids who want you to celebrate and you’ve Had Enough, the invasion of your inbox can feel like a bit bloody much!