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Kicking Off 2020 with Bibi Lynch, Jan 2020
Michael and Sarah spent almost an hour chatting with Bibi. They covered a huge range of topics and that’s why we wanted to share this with you. Berenice brings you all the community news too.
Festive debrief, Dec 2019
Michael, Sarah and Berenice met up to share their thoughts on how Christmas went for them and their thoughts on the New Year. This is an entirely off-the-cuff recording, completely unedited and we hope it brings you comfort as we head into 2020, at a time that be reflective and brings it’s own challenges.
The Alternative Kings and Queens Speech, Dec 2019
Christmas is hard work at the best of times, but being part of this community only makes it harder. Yes, we get it and that’s why we’ve done something different with episode 8 – The Alternative Kings and Queens speech.
F**k Festivities with Emily Scott, Nov 2019
In this episode Michael, Sarah and Berenice were joined by Emily Scott from IVF Fairness and Mind to talk about coping during the holidays. We shared our own experiences of how we manage at times of celebration. Emily chatted to us about good mental health as part of the team at Mind and as a result of her journey.
Mental Health with Meriel Whale, Oct 2019
In this episode Michael, Sarah and Berenice were joined by Meriel Whale to talk about Mental Health as the world pauses to acknowledge World Mental Health Day. We would like to make you aware that this episode does contain mention of suicide and therefore may not be suitable for everyone to listen to.
World Childless Week with Stephanie Phillips and her Champions, Sept 2019
Sarah Lawrence hosted this episode and asked some amazing questions which inspired Steph, Jody Day, Robin Hadley, Rod Silvers, Vicky Page, Anne Barratt, Karin Enfield De Vries, Yvonne Maier, Bibi Lynch and Yvonne John to talk about what World Childless Week means to them and the community. We also lingered on the big issues that challenges us and themes to tackle for the future.
Men and Childlessness with Dr. Robin Hadley, Rod Silvers and Andy Harrod, Aug 2019
In this episode Michael, Sarah and Berenice were joined by Dr. Robin Hadley, actor and writer Rod Silvers and PhD researcher Andy Harrod.
Writing It Out with Tessa Broad and Lesley Pyne July 2019
In this episode we talked about Writing It Down with Tessa Broad who chatted to us about her experiences of writing Dear You and Lesley Pyne, author of Finding Joy Beyond Childlessness. Plus we’re running a competition to win a copy of Lesley’s book! Read on for more details…
Writing It Down with Lorna Gibb and Annie Kirby July 2019
In this episode we talked about Writing it Down with Dr Lorna Gibb who shared her experiences of writing and researching Childless Voices and Dr Annie Kirby, winner of the Asham Award 2005 and author, spoke to us about plans for her creative writing workshops for our community.
Speaking Out
In this episode we talk about Speaking Out. Sarah shared her experiences of Facebook lives and video for her website After The Storm. Berenice spoke about Walk In Our Shoes. Michael talked about his experiences. You can read their website Married and Childless here. Jody Day talked about her private and public journey. You can read all about Gateway Women right here.
Meet The Presenters
Find out about your three presenters in our own unique Q&A. We picked five questions to ask each other and came up with five unique answers! There’s a lot of laughs and we hope you’ll find it fun to listen to! We’d love to know what you think on our social media channels.
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The Full Stop Podcast and content posted by the Full Stop is presented solely for general informational, and educational purposes. The guests views may not represent those of the Full Stop or the co-directors of the Full Stop CIC. The use of information on this podcast or materials linked from this podcast or website is at the user’s own risk. It is not intended as a substitute for the advice of a physician, professional coach, psychotherapist, or other qualified professional, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should not disregard or delay in obtaining medical advice for any medical or mental health condition they may have and should seek the assistance of their healthcare professionals for any such conditions.